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Posted Tue 24 March 2015 - 11:53

Today the Department for Education (DfE) asked sixth forms and colleges in England to begin feeding course details into a national open-source database of post-16 options, as part of revised statutory guidance.

This information is intended for use by organisations who wish to create online search services for students making choices after their GCSEs.

UCAS’ solution – UCAS Progress – already provides a comprehensive searchable database of post-16 learning opportunities available in England and Wales as well as providing information and advice on A level, BTEC, apprenticeship and other learning opportunities.

In many areas, the Local Authority (LA) is also using UCAS Progress as an application service. In all cases, information and advice is available to help students, parents/carers and teachers on each stage of the journey.

UCAS has offered to manage the data collection process for schools and colleges (or LAs on their behalf) to enhance the quality of the national database and avoid duplication of effort.

UCAS’ Chief Executive Mary Curnock Cook said: “The UCAS Progress service has been up and running as a national solution of the kind envisaged by Government since September last year.

“Total applications through UCAS Progress this academic year are up over 20% on the same point in 2013, and more and more schools and colleges are joining the service all the time.

 “We have over 113,000 courses through 2,340 different providers listed in England and Wales and are already registering over a million page views per month. Our information, advice and guidance pages received 115,000 views alone in March.

“UCAS’ 50 years’ experience of running a national undergraduate admissions scheme has been used to develop a post-16 service that is free of charge for learners. Creating digital interfaces that connect young people with learning opportunities is our core business.”

About UCAS Progress

UCAS Progress provides information and advice to students, parents and teachers about different opportunities for post-GCSE education and training. The UCAS Progress online search provides details of post-16 courses and places to study in your area. It covers all options – academic courses such as A levels, vocational courses such as BTECs, and work-based training such as apprenticeships. If a student’s school or local authority has registered students, they can also apply online for these courses.



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UCAS Press Office: 01242 545 469 [email protected]

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