For the first time, unplaced students in Clearing can view a list of courses they've personally been matched to in Track – alongside our search tool which will still have 30,000 course options.
Posted Tue 5 May 2020 - 09:19

Our press release includes details about how we hope the service will give students more personalised options and support than ever. Here we tell you a bit more about it.  

How will it work?

If your students find themselves unplaced, there are still plenty of universities and colleges looking for applicants just like them. Now with Clearing Plus, finding the right alternative has never been easier:

  1. If applicants find themselves in Clearing, there will be a new button in Track called 'View matches'. If they click this, they can start browsing courses they've been matched to, based on their application and the students providers have told us they're looking for.
  2. If they find a course they want to be considered for, they can click an 'I'm interested' button, and their details will be passed to the uni or college.
  3. If the uni or college still has places, they may contact the applicant to discuss things further, and make an offer.
  4. If your students receive an offer, all that's left to do is add it as a Clearing choice – so their place can be confirmed.

Although Clearing Plus is designed to enhance the process of finding another place, it’s important students remain proactive. With the reassurance that unis and colleges are looking for applicants like them, Clearing Plus gives your students the extra confidence they need to reach out to unis and colleges themselves.

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