Weymouth College staff have been praised for the quality of their careers advice, after picking up a national award sponsored by UCAS’ post-GCSE application service.
Posted Thu 20 November 2014 - 15:17

Weymouth College staff have been praised for the quality of their careers advice, after picking up a national award sponsored by UCAS’ post-GCSE application service.

The further education college won the Careers Education and Guidance award at the Association of Colleges (AoC) Beacon Awards, for its ‘Careers College’ initiative.

Weymouth College has built partnerships with the County Council, the Economic Regeneration Unit, local universities, employers, colleges and schools through the scheme.

The college holds an annual two-day event to help prepare Year 9 and 10 students for life after school. A careers fair and workshops give teenagers the chance to find out more from employers face-to-face and experience college life in a welcoming atmosphere.

Students said the careers fair opened their eyes to education and employment options they hadn’t previously known about.

Gina Bradbury, Head of UCAS Progress said: “We support the AoC Beacon Awards because we want teenagers to have as much support as possible before making these important choices.

“Colleges are showing they can lead in the development of effective partnerships with schools, local advice and guidance services and employers to deliver excellent and impartial information for young people. 

“These innovative programmes give teenagers quality opportunities to engage with education and training choices as well as first-hand experiences which are key to making the right decisions about the future. I congratulate Weymouth College, and all the nominees on the work they do to support young people.”

The award was sponsored by UCAS Progress, a national service which allows teenagers looking beyond GCSEs to research and make their next move – whether that is an A Level, BTEC, or other vocational opportunity.



UCAS Press Office: 01242 545 469 [email protected]



UCAS Progress is a division of UCAS (the UK's shared admissions service for higher education), and provides a search and apply service for younger students looking at post-16 options. The newly launched UCAS Progress website includes information and advice on all the education and training routes and pathways available after GCSEs.  

The search service is national and free to use for young people. For more information call 01242 545469 or email [email protected]

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